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Virtual Budget & Legislative Town Hall

We are delighted to invite you to an upcoming Virtual Legislative Roundtable that I am hosting via Zoom. Your participation and expertise are highly valued and we are eager to include your voice in our pivotal discussions. Your insights and engagement are crucial to the success of this event. We look forward to your participation and to collectively explore ways to advance our shared goals for the betterment of California.

Tuesday, April 9
6 - 7:30 p.m.

Agenda Highlights:

  • Opening Remarks: Assemblymember McKinnor will warmly welcome attendees and acknowledge the importance of your contributions.
  • State Budget Overview: A concise five-minute report on the state budget will be delivered by Chief of Staff Terry Schanz, focusing on key allocations and their implications.
  • Active Bills Presentation: Our capital staff, including Jonathan, Sean, Malik and Terry Schanz, will share insights on active bills such as AB 1869, AB 1875 and others, over a 30-minute segment. This is an opportunity to delve into the legislative intent and impact of these bills.
  • Open Discussion and Q&A: The roundtable will feature a 15-minute session dedicated to your questions and discussions, allowing for a rich exchange of ideas and feedback.
  • Closing Remarks: Assemblymember McKinnor will conclude the event by emphasizing the significance of ongoing collaboration and open communication in achieving positive outcomes for California.

Thank you for your commitment. We are excited to have you join us for what promises to be an enlightening and impactful town hall. If you would like to submit any questions to be answered in the Zoom, please submit them to prior to the zoom.